Announcing Alverno's new Research Center for Women and Girls

Alverno's new Research Center for Women and Girls (RCWG) opened in Fall 2009. Kate Masley was hired as its director.

The mission of the new center is to act as a clearinghouse for data on girls and women for girl- and women-serving agencies in the region; to be a resource center open to the public; to organize events such as workshops, forums, debates, lectures, symposiums, conferences and film series exploring issues impacting the lives of women and girls; and to produce research on relevant issues. First research projects include focusing on girl aggression, teen pregnancy, racial/ethnic health disparities in infant health outcomes, body image/self esteem, and encouraging more girls to become interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math).

Fall 2009 Alverno Magazine article introducing Kate Masley

The RCWG's first director, Kate Masley, was introduced in this article from the Fall 2009 issue of Alverno Magazine p. 13.

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