Alverno A3.5
| Office of the Academic Dean Records
| |
GrantsBasic Institutional Development Program (BIDP)Grant
Application, Title III for 1976-1977
1 |
1 |
GrantsBasic Institutional Development Program (BIDP)Grant
Application, Title III for 1977-1978
1 |
2 |
GrantsAdvanced Institutional Development Program (AIDP)Grant
ApplicationTitle III health Education Act of 1965 (HEA),
1 |
3 |
GrantsAdvanced Institutional Development Program (AIDP)Development
of AIDP Proposal, 1976-1978
1 |
4 |
GrantsAdvanced Institutional Development Program (AIDP)Grant
ApplicationTitle III health Education Act (HEA) of 1965Executive
Summary, Parts I-V, 1978
1 |
5 |
GrantsAdvanced Institutional Development Program (AIDP)Grant
ApplicationTitle III health Education Act (HEA) of 1965Executive
Summary, Part VIProgram Narrative, 1978
1 |
6-7 |
GrantsAdvanced Institutional Development Program (AIDP)Grant
ApplicationTitle III health Education Act (HEA) of 1965Executive
Summary, Part VI-B-Appendix, 1978
1 |
8 |
GrantsAdvanced Institutional Development Program (AIDP)Report:
External Evaluation of Activities, 1978-1979
1 |
9 |
GrantsAdvanced Institutional Development Program (AIDP)Correspondence,
1 |
10 |
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GrantsFund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education
(FIPSE) GrantCorrespondence Between Gerald Grant, Tom Ewens
and Alverno Personnel, 1974-1976
2 |
1 |
GrantsFund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education
(FIPSE) GrantDraft of Manuscript by Tom Ewens, July 1976
2 |
2 |
GrantsFund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education
(FIPSE) Grant"Methods, History of the Project"
Draft by Gerald Grant, ca. March 1978
2 |
3 |
GrantsFund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education
(FIPSE) GrantReport to FIPSE by SURC, Gerald Grant, February
2 |
4 |
GrantsFund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education
(FIPSE) GrantRevision of Chapter by Gerald Grant, June
2 |
5 |
GrantsFund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education
(FIPSE) GrantResponse to Gerald Grant, September 15, 1978
2 |
6 |
GrantsStrengthening Developing Institutions Program
(SDIP)Monitoring Evaluation, Financial Status Reports,
2 |
7 |
GrantsStrengthening Developing Institutions Program
(SDIP)Monitoring and Financial Status Reports Period Ended
December 31, 1980
2 |
8 |
GrantsStrengthening Developing Institutions Program
(SDIP)Grant ApplicationsTitle III Health Education
Act (HEA) 1965, 1981-1982
2 |
9 |
GrantsStrengthening Developing Institutions Program
(SDIP)Educational Testing Service (ETS)Proposal to
Serve as External Evaluator, 1981-1982
2 |
10 |
GrantsStrengthening Developing Institutions Program
(SDIP)Educational Testing Service (ETS)External Evaluation
of Project Activities, 1979-1981
2 |
11 |
GrantsStrengthening Developing Institutions Program
(SDIP)Final Report for Title III Grant No. G008102410,
2 |
12 |
GrantsStrengthening Developing Institutions Program
(SDIP)Inter-Office Correspondence, Publicity, 1979-1982
2 |
13 |
North Central Association (ACA)Report of Visit to
Alverno College, 1977
3 |
1 |
North Central Association (ACA)"Alverno College:
A Self Study Report," February 1, 1977
3 |
2 |
The Alverno Educators Handbook, 1978
3 |
3 |
Faculty handbook on Learning and Assessment, 1977
3 |
4 |
Faculty handbook on Learning and Assessment, 1983
3 |
5 |
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*PersonnelPeer Evaluations Semester I 1976-1977 A-W
4 |
1-12 |
*PersonnelPeer Evaluations Semester II 1976-1977 A-W
4 |
13-24 |
*PersonnelPeer Evaluations Semester I 1977-1978 A-Z
5 |
1-4 |
*PersonnelPeer Evaluations Semester II 1977-1978 A-Z
5 |
5-7 |
*PersonnelPeer Evaluations, Promotion in Rank, 1977-1978
5 |
8 |
*PersonnelPeer Evaluations Semester I 1978-1979 B-Z
5 |
9-11 |
*PersonnelPeer Evaluations Semester II 1978-1979 B-Wo
5 |
12-14 |
*PersonnelPeer Evaluations, Promotion in Rank, 1978-1979
5 |
15 |
*PersonnelPeer Evaluations Semester I 1979-1980 A-Z
5 |
16-19 |
*PersonnelPeer Evaluations Semester II 1979-1980 A-Z
5 |
20-23 |
*PersonnelPeer Evaluations, Promotion in Rank, 1979-1980
5 |
24 |
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*PersonnelPeer Evaluations Semester I, 1980-1981
6 |
1-2 |
*PersonnelPeer Evaluations Semester II, 1980-1981
6 |
3-4 |
*PersonnelPeer Evaluations, Promotions in Rank, 1980-1981
6 |
5 |
*PersonnelPeer Evaluations Semester I, 1981-1982
6 |
6 |
*PersonnelPeer Evaluations Semester II, 1981-1982
6 |
7 |
*PersonnelPeer Evaluations, Promotion in Rank, 1981-1982
6 |
8 |
*PersonnelPeer Evaluations Semester I, 1982-1983
6 |
9 |
*PersonnelPeer Evaluations Semester II, 1982-1983
6 |
10 |
*PersonnelPeer Evaluations, Promotion in Rank, 1982-1983
6 |
11 |
*PersonnelStudent Evaluations of Faculty, Semester
I 1977-1978 Semester II 1978-1979
6 |
12-23 |
*PersonnelStudent Evaluations of Faculty, Semester
I & II 1979-1980
7 |
1-12 |
*PersonnelStudent Evaluations of Faculty, Semester
I & II 1983-1984
7 |
13-14 |
*PersonnelMemorandums of Mutual Agreement (MOMAs),
7 |
15-16 |
*PersonnelMemorandums of Mutual Agreement (MOMAs)
for Staff Reporting to Deans Office, 1978-1979
7 |
17 |
*PersonnelMemorandums of Mutual Agreement (MOMAs),
7 |
18-27 |
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*PersonnelMemorandums of Mutual Agreement (MOMAs),
8 |
1-13 |
*PersonnelNon-Teaching Service of Faculty, 1979-(1984-1985)
8 |
14-24 |
Faculty Institutes, 1971-1977
9 |
Faculty Institute Programs, 1971-1977
9 |
1 |
Faculty Institutes, 1971-1977Reel to Reel Audio tapes
9 |
Faculty Institutes, 1971-1977Audio Cassettes (4)
9 |
Faculty Institutes, January, May 1977
10 |
Faculty Institute Programs, January, May 1977
10 |
1 |
Faculty Institutes, January, May 1977Reel to Reel
Audio tapes (4)
10 |
Faculty Institutes, January, May 1977Video Tapes ¾"
10 |
Faculty Institutes, May 1977 Programs
11 |
1 |
Faculty Institutes, May 1977Video Tapes ¾"
11 |
Faculty Institutes, May 1977Video Tapes ½"
11 |
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Faculty Institutes, 1978-1981 Programs
12 |
1 |
Faculty Institutes, 1978-1981 Reel to Reel Audio Tapes (33)
12 |
Faculty Institutes, 1978-1981 Audio Cassettes (8)
12 |
Faculty Institutes, 1981-1984 Programs
13 |
1 |
Faculty Institutes, 1981-1984 Reel to Reel Audio Tapes (34)
13 |
Faculty Institutes, 1981-1984 Video Tapes ¾"
13 |
Faculty Institutes, 1981-1984 Video Tapes ½"
13 |
Faculty Institutes, 1985-1987 Programs
14 |
1 |
Faculty Institutes, 1985-1987 Reel to Reel Audio Tapes (24)
14 |
Faculty Institutes, 1985-1987 Audio Cassettes (1)
14 |
Faculty Institutes, 1985-1987 Video Tapes ¾"
14 |
Faculty Institutes, 1985-1987 Video Tapes ½
14 |
Faculty Institutes, May 1987 Programs
15 |
1 |
Faculty Institutes, May 1987 Video Tapes ¾"
15 |
Faculty Institutes, May 1987 Video Tapes ½"
15 |
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Faculty Institutes, August 1977 Audio Cassettes (2)
16 |
Faculty Institutes, August 1979 Audio Cassettes (2)
16 |
FIPSE (Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education),
First Steps, Honors Day, Commencements 1976-1978Video Tapes
Reel to Reel (12)
16 |
FIPSE (Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education),
First Steps, Honors Day, Commencements 1976-1978Video Tapes
¾" (4)
16 |
FIPSE (Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education),
First Steps, Honors Day, Commencements 1976-1978Video Tapes
½" (12)
16 |
New Faculty Orientation, Visitation Day, Institute 1976Video
Tapes Reel to Reel (10)
17 |
New Faculty Orientation, Visitation Day, Institute 1976Video
Tapes ¾" (7)
17 |
New Faculty Orientation, Visitation Day, Institute 1976Video
Tapes ½" (11)
17 |
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MinutesAcademic Affairs Committee, 1983-1984
18 |
1 |
MinutesAd Hoc CommitteesRoy Conference Committee,
1978-1979: Student Evaluation Form Revision Committee, 1981
18 |
2 |
MinutesAd Hoc CommitteesFAR (Faculty Annual
Reviews) Ad Hoc Committee, 1984; Ad Hoc Global Education Committee,
1981-1982; Nursing Clinic Meeting, 1981; Problem-Solving Committee,
18 |
3 |
MinutesAdvising Committee, 1978-1985
18 |
4-5 |
MinutesAesthetic Response Competence Department, 1978-1983
18 |
6 |
MinutesAnalysis Department, 1978-1980
18 |
7 |
MinutesArt Department, 1978-1983
18 |
8 |
MinutesArts & Humanities Division, 1978-1983
18 |
9-11 |
MinutesAssessment Committee, 1978-1980
18 |
12-15 |
MinutesAssessment Committee, 1980-1985
19 |
1-5 |
MinutesBehavioral Science Division, 1978-1985
19 |
6-8 |
MinutesBiology Department, 1978-1982
19 |
9 |
MinutesBoard of Trustees, 1978-1980
19 |
10 |
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MinutesCareer Development Staff, 1978-1980
20 |
1 |
MinutesCommunication Department, 1978-1980
20 |
2 |
MinutesCompetence Departments of Environment, Contemporary
World, 1982-1983
20 |
3 |
MinutesCompetence Division Chairpersons, 1978-1983
20 |
4 |
MinutesCompetence Division I, 1981
20 |
5 |
MinutesCompetence Division II, 1981-1982
20 |
6 |
MinutesCompetence Division IV, 1981-1982
20 |
7 |
MinutesContemporary World Department, 1978-1981
20 |
8-9 |
MinutesCurriculum Committee, 1978-1982
20 |
10-13 |
MinutesCurriculum Committee, 1982-1985
21 |
1-4 |
MinutesDiscipline Department of Communication, 1978-1979
21 |
5 |
MinutesDiscipline Division Chairpersons, 1978-1985
21 |
6-8 |
MinutesDivision Chairpersons Committee, 1976-1982
21 |
9-10 |
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MinutesCompetence Division I, 1983-1985
22 |
1-2 |
MinutesCompetence Division II, 1983-1985
22 |
3-4 |
MinutesCompetence Division III, 1983-1985
22 |
5-7 |
MinutesCompetence Division IV, 1983-1985
22 |
8-9 |
MinutesEducation Department, 1978-1984
22 |
10 |
MinutesEducational Policies Committee (EPC), 1978-1980
22 |
11-12 |
MinutesEducational Policies Committee (EPC), 1980-1984
23 |
1-6 |
MinutesEducational Policies Committee (EPC), 1984-1985
24 |
1 |
MinutesEnglish Department, 1978-1983
24 |
2 |
Minutes Environment Competence Division, 1978-1981
24 |
3-5 |
MinutesExperiential Learning Committee, 1983-1985
24 |
6 |
MinutesFaculty Development Committee, 1978-1985
24 |
7 |
MinutesOffice of Research and Evaluation (ORE) Staff
Meetings, 1984-1985
24 |
8 |
MinutesFaculty Senate, 1978-1985
24 |
9 |
MinutesFaculty Workshop: Update in Valuing, April
24 |
10 |
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MinutesFine Arts Division, 1978-1985
25 |
1-3 |
MinutesHistory Department, 1978-1979
25 |
4 |
MinutesIntegrated Arts & Humanities, 1983-1985
25 |
5-6 |
MinutesLibrary Media Center (LMC), 1978-1985
25 |
7-9 |
MinutesLibrary Science Department, 1978-1979
25 |
10 |
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MinutesManagement Department, 1978-1983
26 |
1 |
MinutesManagement Advisory Council, 1979-1983
26 |
2 |
MinutesMathematics Department, 1978-1980
26 |
3 |
MinutesMusic Department, 1978-1982
26 |
4 |
MinutesNatural Science, Mathematics & Technology
Division, 1978-1985
26 |
5-7 |
MinutesNursing DivisionAdmission & Advancement,
26 |
8-9 |
MinutesNursing DivisionCoordinators Meetings,
26 |
10-11 |
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MinutesNursing DivisionCoordinators Meetings,
27 |
1 |
MinutesNursing DivisionCurriculum Meetings,
27 |
2 |
MinutesNursing Division, 1978-1985
27 |
3-6 |
MinutesOff-Campus Experiential Learning (OCEL) Advisory
Committee, 1978-1983
27 |
7 |
MinutesPhilosophy Department, 1978-1979
27 |
8 |
MinutesPhysical Science Department, 1980-1982
27 |
9 |
MinutesPlanning Committee: Teacher In-Service, Seminar
Planning Committees, 1982-1983
27 |
10 |
MinutesProblem-Solving Competence Division, 1978-1982
27 |
11 |
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MinutesProfessional Communication (PCM) Department,
28 |
1 |
MinutesPsychology Department, 1978-1983
28 |
2-3 |
MinutesReligious Studies Department, 1978-1979
28 |
4 |
MinutesOffice of Research and Evaluation (ORE), 1979-1984
28 |
5-7 |
MinutesRetention Committee, 1984-1985
28 |
8 |
MinutesSmall Group Behavior Committee, 1979-1980
28 |
9 |
MinutesSocial Interaction Competence Division, 1978-1983
28 |
10 |
MinutesSocial Science and Policy Studies Department,
28 |
11 |
MinutesStudent Senate, 1978-1979
28 |
12 |
MinutesStudent Services, 1979-1984
28 |
13 |
MinutesTeacher Education Committee, 1984
29 |
1 |
MinutesTelesis Seminar on Pastoral Ministries, 6/1978
29 |
2 |
MinutesValuing Competence Division, 1978-1983
29 |
3-4 |
MinutesWeekend College (WEC) Task Force, 1978-1982
29 |
5-6 |