The Alverno College Assessment and Outreach Center plays an important role in the overall dissemination and promotion of Alverno’s ability-based curriculum.
Originally called the Alverno Institute, the Alverno College Assessment and Outreach Center was created in 1980 to facilitate and manage the many resources that the college developed for the ability-based curriculum and assessment models.
Today, through the Outreach Center, Alverno faculty and staff work with educators from all levels drawing on more than 30 years experience in designing and refining an ability-based curriculum. They share their theory and practice of performance-based assessment of student learning as well as their approach to program and institutional assessment of learning outcomes.
The Alverno College Assessment and Outreach Center offers one-day seminars and multiple day workshops on assessment as well as special programs such as the Southeastern Wisconsin Assessment Collaborative (SEWAC) which is a series of workshops designed to support schools and districts in Southeastern Wisconsin to use formative classroom assessment to support student learning. It provides private consultations to share Alverno’s “theory and practice of performance-based assessment of student learning as well as their approach to program and institutional assessment of learning outcomes” with educational institutions, nationally and internationally. Finally, the Institute is the disseminator of Alverno publications on a range of topics such as ability-based education, institutional change processes, and assessment theory and practice.
Click here to learn more about the Assessment and Outreach Center.